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Figures of Speech News

Everyone knows what Irony is - it is probably the most well known figure of speech. But what about the other with all the funny names? To make it easier for students to get a grasp on it, we made an “ironic news” show, in which information would be intentionally deviated from instrumental language. While one of the anchors and the reporters use euphemism, personification, metaphors and metonymy, the new anchor is feeling like a fish outside the water - at least figuratively speaking.

Figures of Speech News: Video

Learning objectives


To help reviewing and memorizing figures of speech, by giving contextual and funny examples.

Marketing objectives

- Entertaining with education, showing potential students how fun can be studying with Descomplica
- Presenting the interactions between Descomplica’s teachers and tutors to help creating a sense of community

Content editor: Mafe Borsatto 
Copywriter: Anna Taborda, Mafe Borsatto  
Producer: Camilo Pimenta, Natasha Vieira
Director: Felipe do Vale
Editor: Vitoria Ferreira
Cinematographer: Jader Lucio
Teacher: Eduardo Valladares, Raphael Hormes
Presenter: Eduardo Valladares e Raphael Hormes, Bruna Saad, Rodrigo Pamplona

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©2020 by Mafe Borsatto.

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