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Football players teach chemistry

As you probably guessed, brazilians are obsessed with football. It is a passion beyond reason and the players are trendsetters and a role-model for lots of teenagers. So when they appeared in videos singing Flamengo’s chants with slightly changed lyrics, students went nuts. And they couldn’t stop singing about chemistry, history and physics while cheering for their favorite team.

Learning objectives


- Sponsorship activation
- Using Flamengo’s facebook page reach to engage the team’s fans
- Branded content using the players as influencers

Marketing objectives

Help students memorize chemistry, history and physics tips with the songs’ rythm they already knew.

Content editor: Mafe Borsatto 
Copywriter: Mafe Borsatto
Producer: Mafe Borsatto
Director: Mafe Borsatto, Murilo Farah
Editor: Leonardo Flores
Cinematographer: Mafe Borsatto

Nice numbers 

More than 3 million impressions, with a 8.3% engagement rate (average FB Videos is 5,4%) and 1.3 frequency.

​Football players teach chemistry: Work
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