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How to catch up on late study in 3 steps

“Never have I ever fallen behind in class” - said no one ever. Catching up on the class material is something every student needs to be doing every time, because nothing in life can be planned and 100% executed. More than actual pedagogical content, students need to know how to make wizardry, which means organizing their student life. This video shows three simple steps, to help students create two separate to do lists -  one with past lessons and the other with current themes - and follow them parallelly.

Learning objectives


Content editor: Mafe Borsatto 
Copywriter: Mafe Borsatto 
Producer: Natasha Vieira, Rayara Lassance
Director: Shay Esterian
Editor: Renan Aniel
Cinematographer: Vitor Novaes
Teacher: Mafe Borsatto
Presenter: Mafe Borsatto

Teaching non-cognitive competences, such as social-emotional skills to support studying

Marketing objectives

- Entertaining with education, showing potential students how fun studying with Descomplica can be
- Showing content diversity in a learning brand

How to catch up on late study in 3 steps: Video
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©2020 by Mafe Borsatto.

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